How do you utilize the KEYWORDs functionality?
In “Keywords”, you will be able to search for data about any Keywords, @Brand Mentions and Hashtags related to your brands, competitors or on any generic topic.
This facilitates accessing valuable insights regarding the Keywords, @Brand Mentions, and Hashtags that hold importance for your business.
Go on Keyword page which is "Listen to your Brands" as shown below:
Enter the Keyword, Brand MentionsFew readersWhat type of data do you obtain from the KEYWORD search?
When you search the result for your brand/competitors or any other tags, you get the following sections on the keywords page.
On the top, you will find key KPIs of the account (Number of Influencers, Number of Publications, Reach, Impressions, Interactions, ER, Influencer EMV, and Active Followers).
On the Performance timeline section, you can evaluate performance timeline of your search.
On the Market performance section, you can evaluate performance of each market, and inflFew readers